Are you shopping around for industrial circuit breakers and are trying to decide whether or not you should invest in new vs used?
There are so many different ratings, models, ratings, makes, and levels of industrial circuit breakers. No matter what specifically you need industrial circuit breakers for, you need to depend on them to protect your employees and your property.
So, should you buy new industrial circuit breakers or used industrial circuit breakers? Keep reading to learn more!
What Are Industrial Circuit Breakers?
Industrial circuit breakers are used in electricity. Basically, they break the electrical circuit and keep your electrical safety system protected whenever a panel is overloaded. They work the same way that residential circuit breakers work.
However, there’s a big difference between residential circuit breakers and industrial circuit breakers. Industrial circuit breakers are able to handle a lot more electricity than residential circuit breakers are. But, that’s not the only difference.
In addition, industrial electrical systems are required to have industrial circuit breakers; without them, it wouldn’t be possible for electricity to move throughout the building.
Used Industrial Circut Breakers
If you want to save money on the cost of industrial circuit breakers, you could look into buying used circuit breakers. It’s important for you to have the exact type, make, and model for a replacement circuit breaker. However, it’s important for you to keep in mind that it’ll only be easy to find a used replacement circuit breaker if the model is less than 10 years old.
On the other hand, if you happen to be shopping for a model that’s older than 10 years, you may have some difficulty. This is because the circuit breaker will be outdated. If you’re shopping for used industrial circuit breakers, you can check out
New Industrial Circut Breakers
However, not everybody will want to purchase a used industrial circuit breaker. There are some times where the circuit breaker has failed completely or if the industrial circuit breaker is more than 10 years old, it makes more sense to buy a brand new industrial circuit breaker.
But, that’s not all that brand new industrial circuit breakers have to offer. Sometimes, brand new industrial circuit breakers will also come with a warranty.
If you’re worried about possible corrosion and water damage on a used circuit breaker, you should definitely get a new industrial circuit breaker. Plus, all brand new industrial circuit breakers have been professionally made, so you know they’ll be safe to use in your building.
Understanding Whether To Buy New vs Used Industrial Circut Breakers
At the end of the day, it’s completely your decision whether or not you should buy a new or a used industrial circuit breaker. However, making sure that you by the right model circuit breaker for your placement is important to keep the electricity in your building operating properly.
Are you interested in learning more about how to properly care for the electrical safety in your building? Check out our blog to learn more today.