A concerning study showed that more than 50% of people in the United States lacked confidence in the science community.

This is worrisome since scientific experiments and research are done before making conclusions. 

If you are mistrusting science, you might want to refresh yourself with the scientific process. 

Continue reading to discover each step that occurs during medical research to ensure the accuracy of the information! 

Identifying a Problem

One of the first steps in medical research involves identifying a problem or question.

Once a question gets formulated, you can move forward with the project. Most people find a problem to research when global events occur, like COVID, or if they can’t find an answer about their health. 

Write down the questions and you can also identify your goal in answering the question. Some people find that their questions have already been studied, which can save you time.

Considering the Details

If you want to conduct unbiased and safe science experiments, you need to consider ethics. 

Ethics and safety are top priorities for scientists since they don’t want to cause harm or further harm to an individual. After forming a question and brainstorming ways to research, they must ensure that they follow all safety guidelines. 

When the clinical trials begin, you will want to have already addressed ethical concerns. For example, if you want to research the effectiveness of a medication, each participant must receive all of the info and sign a waiver. 

Development of Medicine 

Medicine is often created in chemistry labs that have all of the resources and raw materials needed. 

The development stage is the most time-consuming since it involves trial and error. During this stage, the trials will indicate any red flags with regulation. Certain medications are addictive and must get considered before entering the clinical trials. 

If you want to develop a medicine, you’ll need to research chemicals and their interactions as well. Knowing how to extract CBN, for example, is a common task.

Begin Clinical Trials

Once the medication gets created, patients can learn about it from doctors and scientists.

After the patient gets briefed on the intentions of the new medication, they can choose to be a part of the study. Since the medication has yet to obtain approval from the FDA, participants must know about all of the potential side effects. Waivers and other documentation will get filed and the testing phase begins. 

Record Data

When it comes to recording data on subjects, there can never be too much information.

Data is essential since this is the info that will determine if your medication is effective or not. Short and long-term record keeping is important to study the effectiveness of the medication. 

Many professionals use record-keeping programs to document their data. The software can make charts and identify significant values of data to alert the scientist of correlations.  

Share & Communicate

The last phase of medical research involves sharing the information observed.

Most studies are posted in scientific journals that get peer-reviewed. These journals provide a chance for other scientists to get further info about the problem they are researching. 

Since the scientific method is revolving, this step is important. As new studies are done, you can find more conclusions with the study or scrap the idea. 

Understand Medical Research on a New Level 

If you want to better understand medical research, there are specific steps that can’t get overlooked.

From idea concepts to data tracking, scientists are busy recording data. Unless a scientist can prove the effectiveness of a medication, they can’t begin clinical trials. As new info pours into the science community, more studies can get verified. 

Make sure you read our blog for more content about scientific research and increase your knowledge!