If you have sustained injuries in a car accident, you may have many questions regarding filing an insurance claim. Keep in mind that even if you are filing a claim through your insurance policy, your insurance provider is not on your side. Every insurance company will want to pay as little as possible for claims. It may try to tell you that you have missed the filing deadline to convince you to take a lowball settlement offer. Although you should file your insurance claim as soon as possible, there is a difference between soft deadlines and strict deadlines that you should meet to receive compensation. A reputable Rockford Auto Accident Attorney will make sure you meet all important deadlines related to your claim.
Deadlines for Notifying your Insurance Company About Your Accident
Your car insurance provider may have specific deadlines for reporting an accident. Failing to report a car accident that involves physical damage and bodily injuries within a certain period can give the insurance company a reason to deny your claim.
Keep in mind that reporting an accident is not the same as filing a claim. To report your accident, you only need to call your insurance company. To make sure you don’t miss a deadline for reporting an accident, contact your carrier right after the accident. Depending on the nature of your accident, you may need to report it to the Department of Motor Vehicles to avoid having your driver’s license suspended.
Deadlines for Filing an Injury Claim
Often, insurance companies can’t set an absolute deadline for filing a claim. But, the sooner you will file your claim the sooner you can get the compensation you deserve. Also, by filing your claim early, a claims adjuster and investigator can assess your claim early, ensuring evidence still exists. Over time, it may be harder to get witness statements as they may forget valuable information or it may be difficult to find witnesses.
After you file your claim, you may get a settlement offer that comes with a deadline for acceptance. For example, the insurance carrier might offer you $20, 000 to settle your case; however, only if you agree to the settlement by a certain date. Typically, this is a strict deadline, but failing to meet it does not mean you won’t be able to get compensation for your losses.
Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Lawsuits
In Illinois, the statute of limitations for car accident cases is two years from the date of the crash. If you fail to file a lawsuit against the responsible party within the two-year window, you will lose your right to recover compensation for your damages.