Do you have hard water where you live?

Hard water is water that is high in minerals. It causes an increase in energy costs, dry, brittle hair, scale build-up, more soap usage, and dry, itchy skin. 

What can you do to correct this and provide your family with safe, clean water?

The best and most effective way to fix hard water and eliminate the problems that come with it is to install a water softener in your home. Water softeners work by removing the minerals from your water, turning it from hard water into soft water. 

There are many types of water softener systems available. Is a magnetic water softener system the right choice? Keep reading as we explain what it is, how it works, and the pros and cons of a magnetic water softener to consider when choosing one for your home. 

What Is a Magnetic Water Softener? 

A magnetic water softener uses magnetic fields to soften water so that it’s better for your home water needs. This type of water softener works without wasting water or losing the healthy minerals in the water. 

How Does a Magnetic Water Softener Work? 

The water supply is forced through a magnetized field before it goes into the home. The magnetic field creates an electrical charge which then acts as a water filter. This is where the magnesium, calcium, and other hard-water-creating minerals get neutralized. 

In some more sophisticated systems, the water passes through the field repeatedly and results in the softest water possible. The water has to come into the reach of the magnets in order to separate the particles which can be a negative for this system. 

Advantages of a Magnetic Water Softener

Magnetic water softeners are a popular choice for homeowners because they are affordable and easy to use. Let’s look at some of the other benefits of this type of water softener. 

  • They last a long time
  • They don’t use salt so there’s no added sodium to your diet and you can use the water to water plants 
  • There are extremely low maintenance 
  • They alter the chemical makeup of water to prevent scaling but don’t prevent all scaling 

What does a water softener system cost? Learn more here as we break down the price and costs associated with various systems. 

Soft Water in Your Home

Now that you’ve seen the advantages and disadvantages associated with a magnetic water softener, is that your choice to deal with hard water in your home? Choose the one that gives you safe, clean water at a price you can afford to buy and maintain. 

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